The last weeks I am travelling around Europe with my iPad, AppleTV and markers to do Graphic Recording on all kinds of events. It is really a dream job because you meet a lot of people with great ideas and various topics.
For those who are not familiar with Graphic Recording I will explain what Graphic Recording means: Graphic Recording is used on several occassions, e.g. Conferences, Brainstormsessions, Hackathons, Presentations or discussions. Goal is to “record live the essential information of the event in Graphic(s)”.
As a Graphic Recorder you listen, chunck, structure and visualize the information and take out the blabla.
Other terms people might use, but maybe in a different perspective are Visual Notetaking or Sketchnoting. In a different perspective because Graphic Recording has the goal to share it instantly with the audience. Sketchnotes and Visual Notetaking are more for yourself, to learn or to make notes.
Its proven that the impact of using visuals during your meetings and visualization by a Graphic Recorder have great impact.
Below I have some samples. I do Graphic Recording in an analogue way, with Neuland markers and paper. If it comes to Digital Graphic Recording I use an iPad Pro with Apple TV to show it on the big screen.